Saturday, October 22, 2005

Week 5

So i've finally taken a few minutes to get my blog setup! As many of you know, it's been a bit of a challenge with my living situation since I arrived, but I've finally got a place of my own, as of November 1st. I won't be able to post photos for a few weeks yet, but soon! Thanks for the emails and phone calls. I have really come to appreciate how much I love my friends and family.

Each week gets a little easier being an island dweller. Not having a car presents problems of its own, but i've gotten pretty good about asking for a ride. And some of the other teachers at the School have been really wonderful, helping me out with various things. If you want to check out the school where I'm at click here:

I'm going to try an update this each check back in!

Work is going okay. I've been spending a lot of extra time in my class afterschool, before school, and one day on the weekends to try and get organized and cleaned up. The kids are really sweet. Many of the children come from fairly well-off families. I have parents who are lawyers, doctors, embassy workers, accountants, self-employed, hair dresser to name a few. As far as nationalities, I have colombian (yippie), argentinian, british/bahamian, bahamian, american, swiss and bahamian/american.

I've adopted the "one day a time" motto here because it's sooo very different from home. Enjoy the efficiency that American businesses offer. :)


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