18 weeks, 4 pounds of coffee

It seems as of late my time here is now down to just that...18 weeks of work, and only 4 pounds of coffee. Well actually, I think 4 pounds of good coffee from home will more than safely see me through these next few months. Thanks guys!
Many of you have probably been wondering what's happening? Well, as of right now, the plan is to return to Bellingham and pursue my Montessori career in my "home" place. The Bahamas has been a lovely, amazing, challenging and frustrating place to work and live. But I'm ready to come home to my friends and family. I'm ready to have the thing that I know and love around me. I've learned so much and am constantly learning how to be a better Montessori guide. If anything, my time here has taught me that I really do love teaching Montessori, but with the right supports in place. It's amazing how one can survive on so little...I came with 2 bags and 2 boxes and plan on returning with about the same!
Also, I wanted to throw out the invitation to any and all who might be looking for a sunny spring break location. It looks as though I will be here for Spring break, so you're more than welcome to crash at my place. Just let me know!!!
Today is absolutely sunny and beautiful outside. Not a cloud in the sky, definitely a beach day...so with that I'm outta here.....:)
love from your bahamian sista'
Ana - I'm just now getting the hang of leaving comments...my first comment I happened to leave under your Exuma Trip blog...check it out....
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