Saturday, October 29, 2005
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Home Sweet Home
Great news! I finally have the keys to my apartment and will be moving into it on Saturday October 29th. Should you feel inclined to phone me this me and i'll send you my #. In case you're wondering about sending packages, please remember that for everything that is sent to me I have to pay extraordinarily high duty on it. If you are inclined to send something, you can send it to my mom and she can bring it to me when she comes in December. Email me for her address please.
We have today and tomorrow off of school for mid-term break. Most schools have all of next week off also. But i'm enjoying the time off anyway. I should be getting my internet hooked up next week but won't have a monitor for a few days purchasing one here. i'm enjoying having some time off to explore. Tomorrow I should be heading to the Zoo and the US embassy.
Last night I went to a local hockey game...floor hockey that is. Definitely something to be said about watching a zambonee driver. It was fun and it is surprising how many canadians live here. It was fun to finally see a real game after the lock out last year.
Be sure and post a comment if you're reading takes a quick minute.:) Would definitely love to hear from you.
We have today and tomorrow off of school for mid-term break. Most schools have all of next week off also. But i'm enjoying the time off anyway. I should be getting my internet hooked up next week but won't have a monitor for a few days purchasing one here. i'm enjoying having some time off to explore. Tomorrow I should be heading to the Zoo and the US embassy.
Last night I went to a local hockey game...floor hockey that is. Definitely something to be said about watching a zambonee driver. It was fun and it is surprising how many canadians live here. It was fun to finally see a real game after the lock out last year.
Be sure and post a comment if you're reading takes a quick minute.:) Would definitely love to hear from you.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Map of Bahamas/Hurricane Update
Just a little location clarification for those so inclined. Here is a link to a fairly clear map of the Bahamas: The U.S. indicated, is of course Florida. I'm on the island of New Providence, in the city of Nassau.
Many of your have expressed concern about Hurricane Wilma. Don't worry! We are experiencing tremendous winds, with not a lot of rain, although i'm sure it's on its way. The power flickers on and off, but so far so good. We had school today, although we closed early. So i'm home checking email and just putzing around as it were. Apparently the Southeast side of a Hurricane tends to have some of the strongest winds, and that's where we lay. We're sort of sheltered by the islands of Abaco and Andros.
Be sure to post a note when you read through. It's fun to read what others write too! Glad you stopped by for a visit...:)
Many of your have expressed concern about Hurricane Wilma. Don't worry! We are experiencing tremendous winds, with not a lot of rain, although i'm sure it's on its way. The power flickers on and off, but so far so good. We had school today, although we closed early. So i'm home checking email and just putzing around as it were. Apparently the Southeast side of a Hurricane tends to have some of the strongest winds, and that's where we lay. We're sort of sheltered by the islands of Abaco and Andros.
Be sure to post a note when you read through. It's fun to read what others write too! Glad you stopped by for a visit...:)
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Culture Festival

This afternoon I went to the Bahamian version of "Folk life festival". If you've ever gone to Folklife, you know what i'm talking about. It was amazing to see so many different cultures represented on the island. They had one stage where different cultures did dances and shows. The announcer kept saying, "It's one world, no one nation controls the world." My American friends and I thought they might have been talking about the USA... Interestingly enough, the USA's stage show was Karate. And then Canada was right after that, and their stage show was a yeah...multi-cultural! I'll attach pics soon!
Week 5
So i've finally taken a few minutes to get my blog setup! As many of you know, it's been a bit of a challenge with my living situation since I arrived, but I've finally got a place of my own, as of November 1st. I won't be able to post photos for a few weeks yet, but soon! Thanks for the emails and phone calls. I have really come to appreciate how much I love my friends and family.
Each week gets a little easier being an island dweller. Not having a car presents problems of its own, but i've gotten pretty good about asking for a ride. And some of the other teachers at the School have been really wonderful, helping me out with various things. If you want to check out the school where I'm at click here:
I'm going to try an update this each check back in!
Work is going okay. I've been spending a lot of extra time in my class afterschool, before school, and one day on the weekends to try and get organized and cleaned up. The kids are really sweet. Many of the children come from fairly well-off families. I have parents who are lawyers, doctors, embassy workers, accountants, self-employed, hair dresser to name a few. As far as nationalities, I have colombian (yippie), argentinian, british/bahamian, bahamian, american, swiss and bahamian/american.
I've adopted the "one day a time" motto here because it's sooo very different from home. Enjoy the efficiency that American businesses offer. :)
Each week gets a little easier being an island dweller. Not having a car presents problems of its own, but i've gotten pretty good about asking for a ride. And some of the other teachers at the School have been really wonderful, helping me out with various things. If you want to check out the school where I'm at click here:
I'm going to try an update this each check back in!
Work is going okay. I've been spending a lot of extra time in my class afterschool, before school, and one day on the weekends to try and get organized and cleaned up. The kids are really sweet. Many of the children come from fairly well-off families. I have parents who are lawyers, doctors, embassy workers, accountants, self-employed, hair dresser to name a few. As far as nationalities, I have colombian (yippie), argentinian, british/bahamian, bahamian, american, swiss and bahamian/american.
I've adopted the "one day a time" motto here because it's sooo very different from home. Enjoy the efficiency that American businesses offer. :)